The message: You are a diamond.

The following is a partial transcript of a reading I did for myself recently. I decided to share this portion in hopes that the message may benefit others, to be reminded that we are all diamonds.

It begins with the voice of my Spirit Guides.

Our advice is to just continue, things will pan out. Patients and practice. A new day is definitely coming. You will be a part of that.  You will be needed, you will be called upon to help in your best capacity.  Is there anything else that you wish to ask?

Uh, yeah…at the moment I’m not feeling like I’m reaching very high to give a reading to myself.  Why is that?

Are you feeling love? Are you feeling love for yourself? Are you feeling patience, patience with yourself?  Or are you kicking yourself for not being something or further along or somehow doing something wrong? You are in exactly the right place. There are no regrets to be had. Love and honor yourself right where you are.  Right. Where. You. Are. 

Feel the love for yourself that you would for a small child. Honor those feelings.  Honor everything about you, your sadness, your weakness, your strength, your excitement, your confidence, and stop kicking yourself for not being better, further along or doing something different.  You are enough as you are.  We didn’t misguide you.  You have been following our guidance.  At times it may seem that we’re going off on a tangent, but sometimes that is necessary for you to learn other skills to bring back to your path.  So don’t worry about it. 

You are exactly on the right path, exactly where you need to be. And this will continue. We only advise that you pay attention to when you are not loving yourself and expecting more perhaps because your parents expected more. They are gone, they are gone.

You can be proud of yourself.  You can love yourself just as you are.  You are enough.  There is no need to compare yourself to others and feel that you should be more than you are.  You will be called upon when the time is ready for you to use your gifts and your skills to help others. You are loved, greatly loved.  We wish only that you feel this love for yourself and how great it is.  You are a diamond.  You are a diamond, multifaceted diamond.

We will sign off now and we wish you great love, great health, and great movement forward at your own pace.